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Green Coffee Intermediate


Intermediate Green Coffee Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Green Coffee Intermediate course is designed to build on the knowledge gained in the Green Coffee Foundation course and prepare the learner for more complex job functions found in the green coffee profession. Specifically, these include a deeper and balanced look at botany, agronomy, seasonality, processing, resting, shipment, storage, decaffeination, markets, certifications, transactions, and quality differentiation. Learners are also introduced to grading, defects and positive attributes as they relate to green coffee contracts.

Course Length: Minimum 14 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: None; Introduction to Coffee, Green Coffee Foundation, Roasting and Sensory Skills Foundation recommended. All knowledge and skill from these modules will be assumed as being held and may be tested through the practical and/or written assessments.

Green Coffee Intermediate Resources

Written Exam Information:

Total Exam: 45 Questions.
Total Time Allowed: 47 minutes.
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 105 minutes
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Roasting Intermediate


Intermediate Roasting Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Roasting Intermediate course builds upon the introductory concepts of the Foundation course. It is ideal for someone who has roasting and desires to gain a deeper understanding of the roast profile, how the profile relates to color, the relationship between roast profile and sensory expression, and the impact of development time. Learners will further explore the physical and chemical changes as well as basic thermodynamics and heat transfer that occurs during the roast. Thereafter there will be an introduction to sample roasting and a review of safety and maintenance protocols in the roasting plant.

Course Length: Minimum 21 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: None; Introduction to Coffee, Roasting Foundations, Green Coffee Foundation, and Sensory Skills Foundation recommended. All knowledge and skill from these modules will be assumed as being held and may be tested through the practical and/or written assessments.

Roasting Intermediate Resources

Written Exam Information:

Total Exam: 35 Questions.
Total Time Allowed: 37 minutes.
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 3 Hours.
Total Number of Sections: 4
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Sensory Skills Intermediate


Intermediate Sensory Skills Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Sensory Skills Intermediate course builds on the concepts and skills introduced in the Sensory Skills Foundation course. It is ideal for someone who has cupping experience and wants to develop their sensory skills and knowledge of related science. This course covers a wide range of topics, including the physiology of taste and aroma; the types of sensory analysis tests, the operation of a cupping session; the diversity of coffee attributes; the use of the SCA Flavor Wheel and WCR Sensory Lexicon; and the implementation of a sensory analysis panel and session.

Course Length: Minimum 14 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: None; Introduction to Coffee, Sensory Skills Foundation and Green Coffee Foundation recommended All knowledge and skill from these modules will be assumed as being held and may be tested through the practical and/or written assessments.

Sensory Skills Intermediate Resources

Written Exam Information:

Total Exam: 35 Questions.
Total Time Allowed: 37 minutes.
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 60 minutes
Total Number of Sections: 4
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Brewing Intermediate


Intermediate Brewing Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Brewing Intermediate course builds on the concepts and skills introduced in the Foundation course. It is ideal for someone who has brewing experience and wants to explore how to improve coffee quality. This course covers a wide range of topics, including an exploration of the brewing process in terms of device, extraction order and wetting; the essential elements of brewing and their individual influence on the final cup; the scientific method of measuring and charting coffee strength and extraction; the analysis of brewed coffee and adjustments to consider in order to deliver a delicious, well balanced cup; and the importance of cleaning and maintenance.

Course Length: Minimum 14 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: None; Successful completion of the Brewing Foundation and/or 3 to 6 months work experience preparing brews with an automatic drip filter brewer and a manual drip filter brewer or other culturally common brewer is recommended; Successful completion of the Introduction to Coffee and Sensory Skills Foundation also recommended.

Brewing Intermediate Resources

Online Exam Information:

Total Exam: 40 Questions.
Total Time Allowed: 60 minutes.
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 90 minutes
Passing Score: An overall score of 70% is required to pass all 3 sections collectively.

Barista Skills Intermediate


Intermediate Barista Skills Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Barista Skills Intermediate course builds on the concepts and skills introduced in the Foundation course. It is ideal for someone who has barista skills experience and wants to explore how to improve coffee quality and prepare for more complex job functions found in the barista profession. Through this interactive course, learners will gain a deeper understanding of the coffee itself, specifically the impact of a coffee’s variety, origins and processing methods on flavor; the parameters of coffee quantity, grind texture, water quality and shot time and their interaction when dialing in a brew recipe; drink construction and taste differences; workflow management and efficiency, sensory aspects of the espresso extraction; milk handling and techniques as well as latte art. In addition to coffee preparation, this course also covers key concepts regarding health and safety, customer service and basic business practices.

Course Length: Minimum 14 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: Introduction to Coffee and Barista Foundation are recommended (but not mandatory) pre-requisite modules. All knowledge and skill from these modules will be assumed as being held and may be tested through the practical and/or written assessments.

Barista Skills Intermediate Resources

Written Exam Information:

Total Exam: 35 Questions.
Total Time Allowed: 37 minutes.
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 40 minutes
Total Number of Sections: 3
Passing Scores: Section 1 – 50% = 3 points. Section 2 – 82,7% = 48 points. Section 3 – 64% = 9 points. Learners must pass all 3 sections in order to pass exam.