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SCA Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions were gathered from our SCA learners, YouTube subscribers and from ROCC team experiences. After reading through the alphabetical list of questions, you may also submit an inquiry at the bottom of this page. Thank you! ~Adam


After passing the SCA exam, when can I get my SCA certification?

We pay all Specialty Coffee Association invoices every Friday. You should expect to receive your SCA certificate either the following week, perhaps by Monday.


Do I need a SCA membership to take courses?

To take Foundation courses, you don’t need to have an SCA membership. However, you need to get a Learner ID from SCA, which is free. You can register a free SCA Learner ID here: https://scae.com/registration 

For Intermediate and Professional courses, you need to have an SCA membership. To make your SCA account and sign up for the membership, please visit: https://scae.com/registration and select the type of membership you desire.

Hint: for individuals “Barista” is the cheapest option : )


Do I need to pay for my SCA certificate after I pass the exam?

Depending on the trainer or training institution you work with you may. However, all SCA Foundation courses at www.howtocoffeepro.com include the certification fees at your time of registration. Complete your course and let us know if you are ready to unlock your certified exam.

Our policy for Intermediate and Professional courses is to charge 50% up front for the primer and 50% at a later date for your certification event. This may be with a ROCC trainer or one of our partner ASTs. Some students purchase the primers just to learn and master skills while others proceed to full certification when able.


How can I become an AST partner with the ROCC team? 

We are always looking for reputable trainers to add to our roster to support SCA learners around the world. If you feel qualified to take learners to advanced levels in training, please contact Adam at: adam@sca.training


How can I get SCA certification?

After taking courses with HowToCoffeePro and after completing your Mock-Exam, you are ready to take an SCA exam for your course. Send your Learner ID to support@sca.training. We will unlock your exam. If you pass the SCA exam, your SCA certificate will be issued the following week. For more details read here: https://www.rocc.coffee/how-sca-training-works


How can I take SCA classes?

Traditionally, you would find a trainer or training program to join for class. This offline format often takes 1-3 including instruction, exams and certification.

After Cov19, in the spring of 2020, the SCA made accommodations for online and hybrid learning programs. For foundation courses you may join a good online program like www.howtocoffeepro.com for full certification that these levels. 

A long answer for various pathways (from SCA.Training on YouTube) from Foundation to Professional is found here: https://youtu.be/qS-oqIwwNFc


How do I become an AST (Authorized SCA Trainer)

If you are certified Professional in any specific module, you can pursue AST certification. To learn more, watch this helpful explanation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4keVwYv2D78


How does the online SCA course work?

It's a self-paced curriculum with discussions and videos. There are comment sections, exercises, and mock-exams to help you fully prepare for your SCA certification exam.

All practical skills are recommended for Foundation levels, but not required for certification. You will be guided through them and can reach out anytime to our trainers.


I have been in the coffee industry for a long time. Can I skip Foundation or Intermediate courses?

With approval from your trainer, you may skip past Foundation courses and go straight to SCA Intermediate courses. This requires specialty coffee industry experience and assumes that you hold all knowledge contained in Foundation exams.

Intermediate courses are a prerequisite to SCA Professional courses. After completing your SCA Intermediate courses you may proceed after 3+ months to attend and take Professional SCA courses.


I need help finding my learner ID and unlocking my SCA exam. Who do I need to ask?

Please send an email at: support@sca.training anytime. The Support Team will respond to you as soon as possible.


I live in a different country. Can I still take your course?

Yes. It's an online self-paced course, so you can take our courses anywhere in the world regardless of your time zone. No scheduling required until you’d like to discuss one-on-one with your instructor.

This online option works for certification in all Foundations and as a Primer for advanced levels. Intermediate and Professional certifications do require that you demonstrate your skills to an Authorized SCA Trainer. Our team is happy to assist you or recommend you to a reputable trainer and institution.


I want to practice cupping, or do exercises which you assigned in the course at home, but I don’t have all the supplies. What should I do?

Cupping is an easy activity that can be done all around the world: at origin, at home, anywhere where you have cups, boiled water and spoons. Cupping kits and various supplies are available in the ROCC Lab at: https://www.rocc.coffee/shop-offers?category=Training+Kits


I want to take a Roasting Foundation course, but I don’t have access to a roaster. Can I still take the course?

Absolutely, yes! For taking the Foundation course, you don’t need to own a coffee roaster. The coffee roasting process will be demonstrated for you to observe. Perhaps you can try roasting coffee in a frying pan, an air popper or a toaster oven.

Foundation courses only require you to pass the online written exam. Before you proceed to Intermediate levels you will certainly need to borrow access to a friends roaster or get your own to practice on.


If I have a question while I’m taking your course, what should I do?

You can leave any comments in each section of the course. You will see other learners before you have had questions answered which may satisfy your curiosities. We will reply to you as soon as possible. You can also send an email to ask any questions, or you can schedule an appointment to chat with Adam about your questions.


Is a CSP Coffee Diploma required to be an Authorized SCA Trainer?

Many ASTs will acquire their SCA Coffee Diploma along the path to becoming an Authorized Trainer. However, it is not required that an AST holds a diploma.

For example if a trainer only wanted to teach Green Coffee and Sensory Skills they may take SCA Foundations to Professional in both modules acquiring a total of 80 CSP points. This does not meet the 100 points required for a CSP diploma, but they would be able to instruct both Green Coffee and Sensory Skills after completing Professional and the AST certification course.


What is the Coffee Skills Program?

You may see the acronym CSP for the SCA Coffee Skills Program. This was originally created by the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) with an Introduction to Coffee and 5 modules: Green Coffee, Roasting, Sensory Skills, Brewing, Barista Skills at 3 levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Professional.

We always offer Introduction and Foundation courses online and occasionally are able to offer advanced courses with training partners as listed at: the ROCC Course Catalog


What is the difference between a Coffee Diploma and the SCA certificates?

Each certificate is worth a fixed amount of CSP (Coffee Skills Program) points. SCA Foundation courses are worth 5 points, Introduction and Intermediate SCA courses are worth 10 points. SCA Professionals are worth 25 points. 

Once you acquire 100 (or more) points, you will earn your Coffee Diploma.


What is the SCA Mock-Exam?

A mock-exam resembles the real SCA exam you should pass to earn certification. There is a mock exam at the end of all courses at www.howtocoffeepro.com to help you feel fully prepared and confident to take the official SCA exam. 

After you complete your mock exam you have two choices: request support@sca.training unlock your SCA exam or request a mock-exam reset to test yourself and try again. Many learners find the mock exam one of their best ways to reinforce learning and prepare for certification.


What is the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association)?

SCA stands for Specialty Coffee Association. The SCA is a membership-based organization that represents thousands of coffee professionals, from producers to baristas, all over the world. Learn more at SCA: https://sca.coffee/ 


What is the SCA Course Calendar

The Specialty Coffee Association offers a global course calendar to help you find trainers and courses near you. Online courses like those from www.howtocoffeepro.com are also featured by trainers.

If you are looking for specific courses or wish to filter out various locations, you can learn more about upcoming courses here: https://scae.com/training-and-education/course-finder 


What is the SCA Primer?

Primers are complete study guide tools designed to prepare learners for certification. Just as Foundation courses, all lectures and materials are provided for your learning and self-study. You can finish Primer Courses at your own pace. You can view Intermediate SCA course Primers here: https://howtocoffeepro.teachable.com/p/sca-intermediate

However, advanced SCA courses (Intermediate and Professional) require practical skill demonstrations to be held in person with a certified AST. Our ROCC trainers and other AST partners are happy to help you complete your advanced SCA certification.

One more dual-benefit of the Primer is the chance to study for weeks/months before your SCA certification. With extended study time (online and self-paced) you also reduce the time required for your certification event and exams. 

Learn more about Primers here: https://youtu.be/gMTE7Ixyb9Q


When and where can I fulfill my advanced practical skills for Primers?

To finish your Intermediate and Professional courses, you must complete practical skills in person with a ROCC trainer or AST partner. You have several options as listed below.

  1. Attend a ROCC certification event posted on our Course Calendar: https://www.rocc.coffee/sca-course-calendar 

  2. Travel to an AST partner. ROCC is establishing AST partners all over the world to help you continue your advanced SCA certification. Already we have partners in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Zanzibar, Tanzania; Istanbul, Turkey; Dalian, China; and more in queue.

  3. Invite a ROCC trainer AST to your site. Email plans and requests to Adam: adam@sca.training


Where can I find SCA course resources?

All Specialty Coffee Association courses offered at www.howtocoffeepro.com contain various exercises requiring documents and resources hosted at:


Where can I get a SCA Learner ID?

Please go to the SCA website: https://scae.com/registration 

You can also learn about the various levels of membership here: https://education.sca.coffee/learner-information


Which SCA course or Module should I Start With?

One of my personal favorites (Adam speaking) is the Introduction to Specialty Coffee course. I wish it had a better name because it is a complete survey packed with meaningful cupping exercises and experiences. It covers aspects in green coffee, roasting, sensory skills and the cafe. It is engaging and rich. 

If you’re considering a bundle, you can work in any order you wish. Start into one and come back to the others. There is no wrong way to satisfy your curiosity.


Do you have further questions or would you like to explore SCA course offerings?