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Green Coffee Screens and Why Roasters Care

green coffee sizing / grading screens

available now at: LINK to screens

This is a repost of a former blog, including a new YouTube video below and limited availabilty of hand crafted wooden coffee sieves made in Vietnam. Get yours while they last!

—— former blog post follows ———

How is green coffee graded?

What is a coffee quality score?

And, what grading criteria do we USE?

We’ll answer these 3 questions and more in the following discussion. For some coffee fans, this may feel like information overload. For other coffee pros, this may be a good primer to whet your appetite for the SCA Green Coffee Foundations course. More to come.

Coffee is “green” before it is roasted.

Coffee must be roasted before we can brew and enjoy it.

If you are a coffee roaster, then you have probably been solicited by green coffee sellers. They promise a beautiful crop and offer to send or drop off samples free of charge. They ensure you that this green coffee is off high quality at a great price.

However, it is very common that you may receive a 100g-300g sample which was cleaned by hand, to help you (the green buyer) to have a great first impression. This would in turn lead you to consider buying on the basis of a non-representative sample. After all you’ll be getting the real deal, from a 60kg bag.

As a roaster you may be convinced - this coffee is great! It’s clean and tastes great. “Give me 10 bags!” However, months later when the 10 bags roll in strapped to a +600kg pallet you may find that the coffee looks less clean. We’ll talk about “clean” and “defects” soon.

This may be a dramatic (I hope as a roaster you have had many positive experiences), but it does happen quite often that samples do not represent the actual product. So let’s consider what variables contribute to creating our Green Coffee Grading Scale. As a buyer, it’s essential we are on the same page as our seller.

When Grading Coffee on a Scale:

  1. We grade by size

  2. We grade by defect count

  3. We grade by cupping scores

  4. We grade by other criteria (elevation, etc.)

    Together - we harmonize for common language

Size Matters, Or Does It?

Let’s talk about coffee size ratings and how they can easily lead our judgement astray. There are 2 major principles at work here when discussing size of coffee beans. One is much more important for final quality than the other. However, valuing (pricing) the coffee may not correlate in the end.

First, coffee beans should be sorted, shaken, sifted according to size. As a specialty coffee buyer, we seek a homogenous size when purchasing. A beans size should be as close as possible to it’s neighbor. Small beans are all together, medium beans are separated, and so on.

We measure size with coffee screens. Each size on a coffee screen is an incremental measure - the size of a hole in the screen. Those increments increase stepwise by 1/64 an inch. The most common screen sizes (diameters of holes) range from 10-20. Stated another way, super small beans fall through 10/64 inch (4mm) diameter holes while super large beans are suspended (not falling through) holes with a 20/64 inch (8mm) diameter. We would grade those small beans “screen size 10” while we grade the large beans “screen size 20+”. The graphic below offers some clarity and breakdown with conversions for various countries.

As you can see above (we are not to the 2nd point yet) there is some language introduced which could be misleading. Calling super large beans “AA” or “Supremo” sounds much better than a “B” or “Terceras”. Many taste tests have been done and we cannot conclude that large beans taste better (or worse) than small beans. More on that soon.

The second point, is about homogeneity. A coffee roaster wants their coffee to taste as good as it can, no matter where it comes from or how large the bean is. An essential part of roasting great coffee is consistency of roast development. Imagine roasting large items (beans) with very small items (beans). The large will roast at a different speed than the small and require different amounts of heat. When one is properly roasted another will not yet be ready. When the other is finally roasted properly, then former will be overdeveloped or burnt. This is an unfortunate and common phenomenon when large and small beans are all mixed together. There is also much more to be said about blending for espresso, but that will be left to another discussion entirely.

Defects Matter!

The best coffee is clean coffee. So how do we understand what is clean or “dirty”? Defects come from several key areas. One is pre-processing - something resulting from the farm and from nature. Another is during processing - something from mishandling or missteps in the process of removing seed from fruit. Another is during storage - before the coffee ever gets to a roastery (or heaven forbid in your roastery) while it’s sitting in the bag, on a truck or in storage.

Defects are also broken down into 2 categories: Primary and Secondary Defects. Primary defects will knock your coffee out of “specialty” status with just 1 or a couple present. If your coffee has a few Secondary defects it may still qualify as “specialty” but you can’t have too many or it will again fall out of “specialty” status. It’s a simple chart to follow, but the challenge is personally delineating what defects constitute and to what severity each is. This is where working with a professional or getting some basic training in Green Coffee comes in helpful.

Insert plug with link for Green Coffee Foundations course : )

Primary Defects.png
Secondary Defects.png

Cupping Scores (should) Matter!

It could surprise you that traditional coffee grade metrics are not based upon cupping scores. I can see a valid argument for and against this. We’ll look at both perspectives.

“Cupping” is a coffee term where we run quality control on a batch of coffee. It’s also super cool and super nerdy for many specialty coffee pros. Imagine a bunch of professionals dipping spoons into community bowls slurping and spitting with expressions of Mmmm… Ohhhh… while making notations on clipboards.

The notes we take in cupping constitute a score where 100 points are possible. No one ever scores a coffee a perfect 100. The most rare and beautiful coffees score in the 90s. Good coffees (and the majority of specialty) fall within the range of 82-88. However, when a coffee scores below 80 points, we must remove “specialty” classfication for it. Below 80 coffees are considered “commercial grade”.

Coffee Cupping Scores are comprised of:

  • Fragrance (quality and intensity)

  • Aroma (quality and intensity)

  • Acidity (quality and intensity)

  • Body (quality and intensity)

  • Flavor (quality)

  • Aftertaste (quality)

  • Balance (quality)

  • Sweetness (yes/no presence)

  • Uniformity (yes/no)

  • Clean cup (yes/no)

  • and an Overall rating (quality)

What does it mean, to not be clean?

If a coffee is not uniformly clean, then there is a “Taint” (minor infraction) or a “Fault” (major infraction). If a coffee has a Taint it is penalized -2 points for every cup with the taint. Many small human errors within the supply chain can introduce taints. The coffee may still be enjoyable and a common consumer may not notice the Taint. If discovered, the coffee may still be considered “specialty” with above 80 points, but the critical question becomes: “can we remove or resolve this taint?” Unless it’s a roaster error, there is little you can do to remove the taint. At that point, many tainted coffees will be dark roasted to cover up slight taint.

A “Fault” will be much more severe. Faults dominate your impression and the cup. They cannot just be roasted out or masked. These coffees will often be sold for commercial and instant coffee use or they may be flavored with chemicals and syrups to mask the extremely unpleasant character they have taken on.

A coffee with soft or subtle traits (following) may be called a “taint” while those with dominant and overbearing traits listed below would be classified as a fault. These include:

  • Fermented or Mouldy

  • Musty or Rioy

  • Earthy or Potato or Raw Peanut

  • Unripeness or Greenness

  • Hard or Astringent cup

  • Woody or Pulpy

  • Rubbery or Petroleum

  • And more.

Pulling it all together.

The coffee industry has the benefit (and at times encumbrance) of long tradition. Coffee growing nations and practices are disperse and disparate across the world. As a result various practices and standards have evolved. While we have learned from one another, we also have formed regional, national and cultural habits around coffee. One of those key factors includes coffee grading and quality measures as they have evolved through language and time.

Due to the wonderful diversity in coffee around the world, we should never judge a fine Chinese coffee from Pu’er in the same manner as a fine coffee from Sumatra, Indonesia. While some aspects will correlate, many will be entirely different. Likewise to judge a Panama Geisha on the same scale as a Kenyan coffee using only one metric is foolish.

If you want to buy a coffee to roast for other people, let’s consider the bigger picture. What are their needs and desires. How can we best serve them?

What qualities will they love in this coffee?

How will they use this coffee?

What price is appropriate for them?


If this was a worthy read, please consider sharing and liking.

Thank You! ~ Adam


This is the 2nd part in our series on the Coffee Value Assessment by the Specialty Coffee Association, complete with resources and links for you to learn, download, practice and provide your feedback.

Source Links for the Coffee Value Assessment CVA by the Specialty Coffee Association SCA.

Introducing the CVA: https://sca.coffee/value-assessment

Download and Read about the CVA: PDF CVA Full Link

Printer friendly version of the CVA: PDF CVA Printable Link

Physical Affective Form CVA: PDF CVA Physical Affective Link

The Value of Specialty Coffee Cuppers: PDF SCA Perspectives Roles Professional Competencies

Descriptive Form CVA: PDF CVA Descriptive Link

SCA White Paper: PDF Towards a Definition of Specialty Coffee

CVA SCA White Paper “Towards a Definition of Specialty Coffee” https://sca.coffee/sca-news/just-released-new-sca-white-paper-towards-a-definition-of-specialty-coffee

CVA SCA White Paper “The Value of Specialty Coffee Cuppers” https://sca.coffee/sca-news/just-released-the-value-of-specialty-coffee-cuppers-sca-white-paper

SCA YouTube Playlist on “Theory of the SCA Coffee Value Assessment” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ5Na-9NWGIrHQ8M4H9_i_5lDZnTvcUAe&si=hF1FY_oeTOGlKrVb

Re’co Specialty Coffee Symposium article by Peter Giuliano “The Power of the Extrinsic” https://sca.coffee/sca-news/watch/video/the-power-of-the-extrinsic

Understanding Value in Coffee from the Green Coffee Summit 2022 YouTube Recording: https://youtu.be/eq_XkGqJdIo?si=ASomY1eXP4ThTnIv

SCA Article 25 Magazine Issue 18 “How Do Cuppers Cup?” https://sca.coffee/sca-news/25/issue-18/how-do-cuppers-cup-evaluating-and-evolving-elements-of-the-sca-cupping-protocol

SCA Article 25 Magazine Issue 18 “All in the Mind: How External Cues Impact Brain Activity and Preference” https://sca.coffee/sca-news/25/issue-18/all-in-the-mind-how-external-cues-impact-brain-activity-and-preference

SCA Article 25 Magazine Issue 19 “From Value to Values: Determining the Worth of Coffee” https://sca.coffee/sca-news/25/issue-19/from-value-to-values-determining-the-worth-of-coffee

Perspectives in Coffee - Peru Armonia Gabriela Chacra D'dago Coffee

Join us for this interview featured on YouTube at Perspectives in Coffee for Peruvian coffee, availabile in limited quantity at our store, in the coffee Lab and directly with Sunao Coffee. Sunao Coffee is one of the many brands supported by Peruvian Portla lead by Gabriela and her team. Check out Chacra D'dago Coffee a.k.a. Armonia while supplies last here: https://sca.training/shop-offers/peru-armonia-green-coffee-500g

This coffee is smooth, full bodied with apple, sugarcane, milk chocolate smooth. It roasts beautfifully light and has a strong beautiful bouquet roasted medium-dark. A versatile coffee that will please all crowds black or with milk, sugar, hot or on ice!

visit Sunao here: https://sunaocoffee.com/

Sample coffee ⬇️ below

What is the CVA by the SCA - Coffee Value Assessment

It’s time to dive into the CVA by the SCA.

This multi-part series has long been waiting, in the making. We need to unpack the great research and thought that the Specialty Coffee Association has put into the Coffee Value Assessment tool. With white papers and research examining coffee cupper value assessments, cupping scores, green coffee scores and more - we will seek to understand how the SCA CVA was created and how coffee professionals can use it in their coffee purchasing and roasting decisions.

Please let us know what questions you have and if this information is helpful. Thank you!

New 2024 Coffee Sensory Training Kit

New 2024 Coffee Sensory Training Kit
Cup These 8 Coffees - Grow in 2024!

This is the latest, featured Limited Edition, 2024 release of our popular Sensory Training Kit. Enjoy the videos below and be sure to follow along with your own coffees available at: Training Kits

Featuring 8 Unique Coffees
for 4 Paired Exercises

SP1 Arabica Species Papua New Guinea Baroida Estate Wet/Washed Coffee

  • SP2 Robusta Canephora Species Java Gambung Pulp-Natural Coffee

  • GR1 Specialty Grade Sumatra Organic Aceh Bukit Wet-Hulled Giling Basah Arabica Coffee

  • GR2 Commercial Grade India Araku Valley Timor, Tafarikela, Catimor Dry/Natural Arabica Coffee

  • PR1 Washed Wet Process Ethiopia Guji Goro Bedessa Arabica Coffee

  • PR2 Natural Dry Process Ethiopia Guji Buno Dambi Uddo Coffee

  • RO1 Lighter Roasted Colombia Alto Occidente Wet/Washed Arabica Coffee

  • RO2 Darker Roasted Colombia Alto Occidente Wet/Washed Arabica Coffee

  • Four x2 Cup A-B Cupping Placemats

  • x2 Bonus Cupping Spoons!


Cup These 8 Coffees

July Sensory Training Kit - Cup These 8 Coffees

Listed below are the coffees featured in the Limited Edition, July release of our popular Sensory Training Kit. Enjoy the video below and follow along with your own coffees available at: https://sca.training/shop-offers/sensory-training-kit-july2023

Featuring 8 Unique Coffees for 4 Paired Exercises:

An Arabica Mexico Chiapas Sierra Mariscal wet/washed coffee with a Robusta Canephora Java Gambung pulp natural for species comparison.

  • Mexico Chiapas Cupping Notes: Whole bean fragrance starts very herbal, mint-like which carries through in the grounds that turn to a subtle green apple note on the wet aroma. The coffee is clean and bright with a simple high acidity which is pleasant in balance with a medium-full body and smooth finish.

  • Java Gambung Cupping Notes: Whole bean fragrance jumps with brown spices, malty and pungent. When ground a roasted grain, corn and basmati rice comes through. The body is immediately huge and chewy in the mouth. It’s rough which is an aspect of big bitterness on top of the huge body. A bittersweet chocolate with animal-leather tones follow. Note: long after the cupping a tobacco flavor lingered in the air and in my mouth. Wow!

A specialty higher grade Kenya Nyeri Rukira wet/washed coffee paired with a lower scoring (not commercial) grade Brazil Fazenda Furnas dry/natural.

  • Kenya Nyeri Kukira Cupping Notes: The whole bean fragrance has a luscious red currant, floral and tropical fruit character. Once ground those notes give place to mango and cherry tomatoes… both of which carry through into the wet aroma. The coffee is clean, complex in acidity like layers of juice tropical, bright, and high acidity which pairs nicely with the big body and sticky mouthfeel. Aftertaste is of grapefruit bitters and lemon rind.

  • Brazil Fazenda Furnas Cupping Notes: The whole bean was simple like brown spices and chocolate, but once ground a subtle sweetness of fruit and especially peach came forth. The peach and chocolate carried into the wet aroma. The coffee is clean with strong earthy and bittersweet chocolate character. Creamy big body.

A pair of washed/wet processed Ethiopia Kecho Anderecha coffee and a natural/dry process Ethiopia Senna Kaffa Mountain.

  • Kecho Anderecha Cupping Notes: Whole bean fragrance starts with coffee or orange blossoms. Once ground a white grape sweetness emerges which carries through in the wet aroma. The coffee sparkles with bright acidity (like white grape juice) and has a medium-light body. There is a slight astringency like green tea.

  • Senna Kaffa Cupping Notes: Whole bean fragrance has soft raspberry tones but with cereal grain like character also in the grounds. The aroma is soft vanilla again with raspberry. It was more syrupy with sweet mouth coating feeling for body and texture. It finishes with an earthy lingering sweetness.

Finally, a lighter roasted Colombia Alto Occidente wet/washed with the same darker roasted Colombia Alto Occidente coffee.

  • Light Roasted Alto Occidente Cupping Notes: Whole is herbal like green pepper with milk chocolate. Once ground apple emerges which when wet turns to honey and walnut. The body is full and very smooth to drink with a balanced cup profile and lingering milk chocolate finish.

  • Dark Roasted Alto Occidente Cupping Notes: Whole bean has a rich hazelnut vanilla which ground yields to dark cherry. Dark cherry carries through the wet aroma which continues sweet like molasses and maple syrup. The roasty note of soft smoke and dark chocolate blend with full body for a bitter cherry dry mouth finish.

This is comes in whole bean unless requested medium-cupping grind with four x2 Cup A-B Cupping Placemats.
