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ONLINE NOW! Certified Barista Skills SCA Foundations (Copy)

  • ROCC, LLC 508 N. Edwards St. Newberg United States (map)


10 DAYS!

Your online purchase is good forever, but this course is only open 10 days in August 2022.

Enjoy on demand guided lessons,, practicals and exam preparation with cohort calls and live social meetings as you are coached through the Specialty Coffee Association Coffee Skills Program.

*Note: your online portion is self-paced. Attending our cohort meetings and 1-1 calls with the instructor is required to unlock your exam for SCA certification.

SCA Barista Skills Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Barista Skills Foundation course focuses on the key skills required to set a grinder, make espresso and foam, and texture milk for cappuccinos. This course allows one to gain an introductory understanding of the coffee itself and set a foundation from which to build practical skills for milk technique and latte art, while implementing health and safety practices and customer service.

Pre-requisites: None; Introduction to Coffee recommended.

SCA Course Resources (click link here)

SCA Course Training Kits (click link here)