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August 2022 Brewing SCA Foundations

  • ROCC, LLC 508 N. Edwards St. Newberg United States (map)


10 DAYS!

Your online purchase is good forever, but this course is only open 10 days in August 2022.

Enjoy on demand guided lessons,, practicals and exam preparation with cohort calls and live social meetings as you are coached through the Specialty Coffee Association Coffee Skills Program.

*Note: your online portion is self-paced. Attending our cohort meetings and 1-1 calls with the instructor is required to unlock your exam for SCA certification.

SCA Brewing Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Brewing Foundation course introduces the learner to the different methods of brewing coffee. The learner will receive theoretical and practical hands-on instruction for a range of devices including automatic and manual gravity brewers, as well as other commonly used brewers within their local culture. Learners will also explore how to produce a tasty brew based on an understanding of the essential brewing elements and an analysis of their brew results.

Pre-requisites: None; Introduction to Coffee recommended.

SCA Course Resources (click link here)

SCA Course Training Kits (click link here)