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Filtering by: Sensory

SCA Sensory Skills Intermediate Practical Skills Exam
9:00 AM09:00

SCA Sensory Skills Intermediate Practical Skills Exam



Sensory SKILLS EXAM ☕️

Online study primers are provided at HowToCoffeePro.com. All learners come ready to master their skills and spend the majority of their time with hands-on-coffee training. Come to your advanced SCA practical skills exam prepared to pass your certification.

This course is certified with the CSP and SCA.

CSP - Coffee Skills Program

SCA - Specialty Coffee Association

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HowToCoffeePro Sensory & Cupping Workshop
9:30 AM09:30

HowToCoffeePro Sensory & Cupping Workshop

Grow your skills.

Practice with new coffees.

Bring a colleague.

HowToCoffeePro SCA CVA Cupping Sensory Workshop

Start on Sat, Aug 17, 2024 at 9:30am.

End on Sat, Aug 17, 2024 at 12:00pm.

This open class is for our HowToCoffeePro community, our local community and any coffee enthusiasts. You do not need to have any prior experience to join an open class. While these exercises are rooted in the training materials and standards of the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) and CQI (Coffee Quality Institute) they do not require certification to join.


With any questions please email contact@sca.training

Make Life Better!

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SCA Sensory Skills Professional Practical Skills Exam
9:00 AM09:00

SCA Sensory Skills Professional Practical Skills Exam




Online study primers are provided at HowToCoffeePro.com. All learners come ready to master their skills and spend the majority of their time with hands-on-coffee training. Come to your advanced SCA practical skills exam prepared to pass your certification.

This course is certified with the CSP and SCA.

CSP - Coffee Skills Program

SCA - Specialty Coffee Association

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SCA Sensory Skills Intermediate Practical Skills Exam
9:00 AM09:00

SCA Sensory Skills Intermediate Practical Skills Exam




Online study primers are provided at HowToCoffeePro.com. All learners come ready to master their skills and spend the majority of their time with hands-on-coffee training. Come to your advanced SCA practical skills exam prepared to pass your certification.

This course is certified with the CSP and SCA.

CSP - Coffee Skills Program

SCA - Specialty Coffee Association

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New Learner + Alumni Instagram Live (Introduction to Coffee)
11:00 AM11:00

New Learner + Alumni Instagram Live (Introduction to Coffee)

New Learners Join the Discussion

Alumni Contribute & Grow 💪

Our desire is to create ever-more growth opportunities for our Community and cohort of SCA learners at HowToCoffeePro and SCA.Training. Join us.

  • Alumni graduates WELCOME!

  • New learners WELCOME!

  • Considering the SCA? WELCOME!

Special Topic - the whole Coffee Value Chain from Green to Brew and all in between.

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New Learner + Alumni Instagram Live (Sensory)
11:00 AM11:00

New Learner + Alumni Instagram Live (Sensory)

New Learners Join the Discussion

Alumni Contribute & Grow 💪

Our desire is to create ever-more growth opportunities for our Community and cohort of SCA learners at HowToCoffeePro and SCA.Training. Join us.

  • Alumni graduates WELCOME!

  • New learners WELCOME!

  • Considering the SCA? WELCOME!

Special Topic - Sensory Practice, Cupping, Flavor Wheels and Sensory Skill Development.

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SCA Sensory Skills Intermediate Certification Exam
8:30 AM08:30

SCA Sensory Skills Intermediate Certification Exam

SCA Intermediate Sensory Skills Exam!

During our course together we will focus on the practical skill exams required for certification at this course level. All theory and concepts must be held (studied) by students prior to attending these SCA exam days.

Instructions to join your course Primer (theory lectures) follow. Only those learners who have purchased and completed course materials per directions will be admitted to take their practical skills exams.

Day 1-2: SCA Roasting Intermediate

Day 3: SCA Sensory Skills Intermediate

How to Join this SCA Course

All learners must first enroll in each course Primer at www.howtocoffeepro.com to ensure preparation BEFORE admittance to this certification event.

  1. Purchase SCA Sensory Theory Primer: https://howtocoffeepro.teachable.com/p/sca-intermediate-sensory-primer

  2. Reserve Seat for SCA Sensory Exam Certification Event: https://www.rocc.coffee/shop-offers/sensory-skills-practical-exam

*you may attend one or both courses as you desire (some exercises may be blended by day)

Projected Course Schedule:

Location: The Lab at Costa Oro International, Portland, OR, USA

  • Start time: 8.30am arrival, coffee, plan for the day, start

  • Practical skills: 9am - 12noon

  • Working lunch break: 12noon - 1pm

  • Practical skills: 1pm - 5pm

  • Clean up, dismissal: 5:30pm

    *course schedule subject to change per module and number of students.

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SCA Sensory Professional Exam
8:00 AM08:00

SCA Sensory Professional Exam

This exam will be hosted prior to the Q Grader Arabica course in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Join us if you can!


  1. Purchase Professional SCA Primer below

  2. Register your Exam RSVP below.

  3. Ensure you have SCA membership and supply number.

  4. Attend your exam, pass in person skills and then the online test. DONE!

Professional Sensory Skills Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Sensory Skills aims to align the student with industry coffee and sensory standards. To prepare them for running sensory evaluation in a coffee business. To acquire the skills required to start identifying and evaluating qualities in specialty green coffee, and to accurately measure and describe coffee beverage characteristics. Students will learn to generate repeatable and methodical sensory measurements of coffee, and learn how to interpret results.

Course Length: Minimum 20 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: Required: Intermediate Sensory Skills
Recommended: Intermediate Roasting, Intermediate Green

Sensory Skills Professional Resources

Written Exam Information:

Total Exam: 40 Questions
Total Time Allowed: 42 minutes
Passing Score: 80%+

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 145 minutes
Passing Score: 80%+

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SCA Sensory Intermediate
8:30 AM08:30

SCA Sensory Intermediate

Intermediate Sensory Skills Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Sensory Skills Intermediate course builds on the concepts and skills introduced in the Sensory Skills Foundation course. It is ideal for someone who has cupping experience and wants to develop their sensory skills and knowledge of related science. This course covers a wide range of topics, including the physiology of taste and aroma; the types of sensory analysis tests, the operation of a cupping session; the diversity of coffee attributes; the use of the SCA Flavor Wheel and WCR Sensory Lexicon; and the implementation of a sensory analysis panel and session.

Course Length: Minimum 14 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: None; Introduction to Coffee, Sensory Skills Foundation and Green Coffee Foundation recommended All knowledge and skill from these modules will be assumed as being held and may be tested through the practical and/or written assessments.

Sensory Skills Intermediate Resources

Written Exam Information:

Total Exam: 35 Questions.
Total Time Allowed: 37 minutes.
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 60 minutes
Total Number of Sections: 4
Passing Score: 70% and above.

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SCA Sensory Intermediate (Private Event)
8:30 AM08:30

SCA Sensory Intermediate (Private Event)

This is a private company training for the team in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Intermediate Sensory Skills Course Information

Updated Course Description: The Sensory Skills Intermediate course builds on the concepts and skills introduced in the Sensory Skills Foundation course. It is ideal for someone who has cupping experience and wants to develop their sensory skills and knowledge of related science. This course covers a wide range of topics, including the physiology of taste and aroma; the types of sensory analysis tests, the operation of a cupping session; the diversity of coffee attributes; the use of the SCA Flavor Wheel and WCR Sensory Lexicon; and the implementation of a sensory analysis panel and session.

Course Length: Minimum 14 hours including practical exam.

Pre-requisites: None; Introduction to Coffee, Sensory Skills Foundation and Green Coffee Foundation recommended All knowledge and skill from these modules will be assumed as being held and may be tested through the practical and/or written assessments.

Sensory Skills Intermediate Resources

Written Exam Information:

Total Exam: 35 Questions.
Total Time Allowed: 37 minutes.
Passing Score: 70% and above.

Practical Exam Information:

Total Time Allowed: 60 minutes
Total Number of Sections: 4
Passing Score: 70% and above.

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