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Coffee Community - Natural Kenyan Coffees and Flavor Profiles

We all love beautiful Kenyan coffees for their bright potency, super fruit complexity, and syrupy body. However, with great anticipation Adam prepared to roast 8 sample lots from Francis. At only 160g each, it was super critical to hit the perfect profile on each coffee. Sadly the information on “how to roast Kenyan Naturals” is lacking to non-existent.

Francis, Founder of Jamii Coffee, and Adam together discuss a few fun facts about Kenya, about coffee and about the samples on the table. Watch below and tune in for a future episode where they roast the remaining 60g and share with more coffee professionals to gain insights and feedback.

As you may know, Kenyan coffees are very dense and can be challenging while roasting. First, they need good heat application to build energy early in the roast. Later, during first crack that strong energy is released and can cause a “crash” or “dip” in the profile and stall the first crack process. It is critical to not allow the crack to stall to get the full beauty of the coffee to emerge.

Kenyan Coffee processed in hull drying resting.png

To build his roast design, Adam calibrated several profiles on his ROEST S100 professional sample roaster using only 50g of Kenyan washed coffees. Recognizing points of transition and proper heat application - he then applied the same logic to 60g of the x8 Kenyan naturals.

Contact Francis about Kenyan Coffee: @jamiicoffee and online https://www.jamiicoffee.com/

Contact Adam about Highlighting Your Coffee: @asc.coffee or by email

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Thank You! ~ Adam