Key positive aromas from coffee (reference aromas from previous exercises)
Specialty Coffee Association 'Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel'
Identify simple category differences in aroma groups in a practical blind test, tasting brewed coffees.
Recall Flavor Wheel Categories categories in a written test
Recognize out of 4 categories of flavor on the flavor wheel, 3 of them are flavors that are associated with positive attributes, 1 with negative attribute.
To recognize the difference between an objective descriptive sensory evaluation of sensations and a qualitative categorization of those same sensations
To state the 9 main categories of flavor found on 'Coffee Taster's the SCA inner Flavor Wheel' Flavor Wheel
To distinguish positive aromas from negative (non desirable) aromas in coffee
To categorize positive and negative (non Green/Vegetative, Sour/Fermented categorize flavors often associated with processing, storage, roasting, and brewing defect. TBD in more depth in professional level.